KSS Work Experience 12 & the Orange WEX 12 Form
All Work Experience 12 forms are available in the Career Counseling Center. Please ask for the Orange WEX 12 forms at the front desk.
All grade 12 students interested in the KSS Work Experience Program must complete the attached orange WEX 12 form. All four sections of this form must be completed in order to finish work experience, including the data information, the reflective questions, all evaluations and the appropriate signatures. You may include the hours that you have accumulated from the summer after grade 11 until the completion of grade 12. Every Grade 12 students must complete this form. If you are completing this form for Work Experience 12, you will need 100 hours of work...this 100 hours will also meet your Grad Transitions 12 requirements.
work_experience_12a_paid_form_2021.pdf |
KSS Work Experience 12 B
This course is only recommended for grade 12 student working in an industry similar to your Plan A and/or Plan B (for example: Ace It students that are employed in the industry outside of the KSS work hours OR a student with a part/full time job in an industry similar to their Educational Pathway, etc...). You must have completed Work Experience 12 A and have an additional 100 hours (200 hours total) of work experience.
work_experience_12b_-_paid.pdf |