What is Work Experience?
The KSS Work Experience 12 Program is designed to provide students with new learning experiences that go beyond what is learned in school. Students will become "self-educators" in the work environment, where they are able to apply in-school learning to the work world. These experiences are extremely valuable in preparing students for their transition from the school setting to the work world. This program in conjunction with other Career Programs including Job Shadows, will provide KSS students with authentic "hands-on" opportunities to investigate possible careers for their future.
We would like to offer 4 credits of Work Experience to any grade 12 students that have a job, will have a job, or had a summer job this year. This is a mandatory graduation requirement...if you are unable to complete Work Experience 12, you must complete a Volunteer Experience job (you will need to complete these 30 hours during your grade 12 year). Please email Mr. Sodaro at [email protected] & see the Counselling Center in order to receive information about Volunteer Experiences & forms.
Any students that would like to complete the Work Experience 12 program online are asked to sign up with our Work Experience Google Classroom code: zipe5ou
We would like to offer 4 credits of Work Experience to any grade 12 students that have a job, will have a job, or had a summer job this year. This is a mandatory graduation requirement...if you are unable to complete Work Experience 12, you must complete a Volunteer Experience job (you will need to complete these 30 hours during your grade 12 year). Please email Mr. Sodaro at [email protected] & see the Counselling Center in order to receive information about Volunteer Experiences & forms.
Any students that would like to complete the Work Experience 12 program online are asked to sign up with our Work Experience Google Classroom code: zipe5ou
KSS Work Experience 12 & the Orange WEX 12 Form
All grade 12 students interested in the KSS Work Experience Program must complete a yellow Work Experience Intent Form, an orange Work Experience Training Plan & the orange Evidence of Learning, Evaluations and Assessment forms. All four sections of this form must be completed in order to finish work experience, including the data information, the reflective questions, all evaluations and the appropriate signatures. You may include the hours that you have accumulated from the summer after grade 11 until the completion of grade 12. Every Grade 12 students must complete this form.
What do I need to do & what does my employer need to do?
We will need the following pages filled out:
Please hand in your completed WEX 12 Orange form into the Career Counseling Center & staple your Work Term Report before handing in.
***For your MAP presentation...please remember to provide a copy of your work experience for your MAP presentation (this could be a photocopy, scan or photo of the 1st page of your completed orange form). You must also attach a copy of your answers to the 6 questions below (the original copy should be attached to your orange form which must be handed in at the Career Counseling Center). Please feel free to add a paragraph or two describing your work experience.